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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 114
     Profile contains photos: 33
     In Memory: 61
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 50
     Military Service: 38
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 114    Newest Members: 114    Latest Comments: 72  

Greg Beaton    
Danny Bradley    
William Brann    
John Brown     
Keith Bush   
Michael Cassaras     
Tyler Cole    
Bryson Dean    
Lee Dehmel    
Thomas Denham     
William Dufoe     
Fred Feld   
Wayne Fiyalko     
John Gaunt    
Leroy Gomez    
Michael D. Hicks     
Alan Kaniss     
Gary Kerr   
Robert Lane    
Gary Manning    
Milton May   
Michael McClain     
David Millard    
Frank Nott   
Wayne Ogle    
Nathan Owsley    
Robert Payne    
Gene Smout   
Gerald Wall    
John Wallick    
Mark Walsh   
Daniel Wendt    
Sterling West    

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