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St Petersburg High School
Class of 1968
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St Petersburg High School
Class of 1968
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St Petersburg High School
Class of 1968
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Reunion Pictures
Shirley Alford
Jane Alvero
Betty Ames
Geoffrey Avery
Leigh Bangert (Huff)
Marcus Barnes
William Baxter
Terri Berkley (Lersch)
Stephen Borg
David Bradley
Sandra Brami
James Bruce
Eddie Burney
William Burrill
William Buttmi
Ronald Caldwell
Leonard Carmon
Larry Chako
Louise Ciani
Lewis Clark
Debora Clouser
Delores Cobb
Philip Comegys
David Copechal
Steve Crook
Dorthy Davis
Allan Day
David Dillard
Marguerite Dinard (Ward)
Marilyn Downing
Suzanne Earle (Burrell)
Linda Ellinwood (Slezak)
Lynda Evans
Diann Franks
Carl Freeman
Henry Freeman, Jr
Betty Friend
Daniel Frye
James Fulghum
Emily Gaumont
Joseph Gerardo
Richard Gillespie
Cecile Giroux (Peruski)
George Graham
Harry Green
William Gross
Edgar Harden, Jr.
Barbara Harris
Gerald Hendricks
Joseph Herrick
Juanita Hicks (King)
Barbara Hnyda (Tennant)
Spencer Hopson
Tom Janis
Katherine Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Lynda Jolley (Renker)
Dorothy Kelley (Hervey)
Jessie Kelly (Burke)
Joanna Knoop
Mary Kovalsik (Walker)
John Kuykendall
Lisa Landreth
Patrick Lanzing
Robert Lee, Jr
Stephen Lichtenwalner
Carol Lloyd (Strother)
Michele Maier (Barrett)
David Mayhall
Phyllis McClure
Judith Mintz (Leonard)
Brenda Mull (Fournier)
Clarence Neumann
Dawn Nickerson
Karen Noble
Robert Parham
Pearlie Parker
Gregory Patterson
Charles Patty
Geraldine Pearson
Jeffrey Phipps
Joy Pierce (Kelly)
Shirley Pilley
Ruth Post (Hetzendorfer)
Neil Postlethwait
Allen Prince
Daryl Purchase
Travers Putnam, Jr
Constance Rahn
Lloyd Reed
Helen Richards
Charles Richardson
Patricia Riskowitz (Lewis)
Diana Roberts (Quinlivan)
Paul Rountree
Barbara Scott
Sandra Slaughter
Kenneth Sloan
John Snyder
Robert Spidella
Thomas Stanczak
Sharon Stewart
Marlena Stone (Yates)
Deborah Stricklin (Deacon)
Rita Sweaney
Benjamin Taber
Stephen Tetreault
Bruce Thomas
Constance Thomas
Nancy Thomas
John Thompson
Hazel Trubey (Hall)
Faithia Turner (Clayton)
James Underwood
Colleen Valente
Wanda Vaughn (Bianco)
Deborah Vida (Epstein)
Hennelore Wagner
Mildred Wall
Sheryl Wamser
Johnnie Wheeler (Payne)
Dorothy Whitlock
James Williams
Willie Williams
Robin Wilson
JoAnne Wright (Watkins)