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Class of 1968
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St Petersburg High School
Class of 1968
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St Petersburg High School
Class of 1968
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Julie Adcock (Whitney)
James Aloi
Richard Arceneaux
Mary Bahmiller
Renee Bakke (Keller)
Gloria(Gail) Beasley
Kevin Boyd
Charles Boyette
William Brann
John Brown
Susan Brown (Sherman)
Steven Canning
George (Blan) Chapman
Francis (Bill) Clark III
Tyler Cole
Frank Costello
Dianne Cotnoir (Gleaton)
Rob Cuthbert (Cuthbert)
Dorthy Davy (Gunter)
Bryson Dean
Maggie Delano (Green)
Thomas Denham
Frances Dowell (Beeson)
William Dufoe
Connie Easton (White)
Fred Feld
Carolyn Fishman (Gora)
Wayne Fiyalko
Marian Fray
Russell Gates
Leroy Gomez
Lynda Goucher (Vinson)
Paul Grau
Peggy Graves (Morrison)
Gail Gross (Roberts)
Steven Harris
Michael D. Hicks
Jean Hull (Cross)
Gary Kerr
Jean Knight (Ferguson)
Robert Lane
Alessandra(Sandy) Lazar (Bergs…)
Alice Main (Gehrig)
Mary Lynn Marshall (Callahan)
Patricia Martin (Jones)
Thomas McQueen, Jr.
Judith Moss
Marie Murphy (Samec)
Rodney Nash
Kenneth Nickse
Patricia Nicolosi (Hunt)
Robert Pemble
Robin Reed (Becker)
Douglas Rutledge
Michael Searles
Linda Shaffer (Mosley)
Charlene Shephard (Wegman)
Mary Shofi (Volpe)
Theodore Smith
Margaret Snell (Harter)
Johnny Spaights
Laurie Stiles (Dietrich)
Barbara Strawhecker (Cosser)
Glenn Swenson, Jr
Richard Toenjes, II
William Tourtelot (Tourtelot)
Gerald Wall
John Wallick
Marcia Walters (O'Halloran)
William Fletcher Warner
Daniel Wendt
Margaret Yardley (Golay)
Phyllis Zilkowski (Searles)